

I have a 75gal w/ 150lb lr that has been curing for 3-4 weeks. Nothing else but. lr My readings are sg: 1.025
ph: 8.3
alk: 6meq/L
no2: 0.1
no3: 2
nh4: .05
I need probally 30lb of live rock to finish my aquascape that I want. I am just going to go to the lfs and buy some premium rock that has been cured. Should I wait until my tank has fully cycled before I buy cured liverock? Will it hurt the liverock or critters on it with my reading the way they are?


Cured LR will help speed up the cycle process. Won't hurt LR.


Well-Known Member
I would not put cured rock into a tank that is still cycling. the high levels of ammonium may kill off some of the hitch hikers on your cured rock. I would let the tank finish cycling, then bring in cured rock from the lfs. Just keep it wet, and make sure it is a short ride from the store to your tank. That way all of the critters on the rock will do fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
I would not put cured rock into a tank that is still cycling. the high levels of ammonium may kill off some of the hitch hikers on your cured rock. I would let the tank finish cycling, then bring in cured rock from the lfs. Just keep it wet, and make sure it is a short ride from the store to your tank. That way all of the critters on the rock will do fine.
Agree.. also do a water change after the cycle before you put the new cured LR in.


Well there is a problem with that. The nearest fish store that sells live rock is 90 miles away. :notsure: (1)Could I possibly bring a rubbermaid tote w/ some saltwater in it with me? That way I could totally submerge the rock and keep the heat in the car cranked.

(2)Or would I be better off getting some uncured of the internet and curing it in my a rubbermaid tote?

(3)Is it true that uncured rock will hold more biodiversity than cured rock?


New Member
im about to buy 100lbs of LR which im putting into a 75 gallon tank for curing...
question is that what typically happens does the amonia spike rapidly to a point where i need to change the tanks water frequently?
im trying to look at this in a way that is most effective and cost efficent....
i know about the curing process for both an empty aquarium and doing it through a bucket, rubermaid container etc but which method is easier?
my plan is to stick it all in the 75 gallon take it out once or twice a week for scrubbing then returning it
any thoughts?