I have a 75gal w/ 150lb lr that has been curing for 3-4 weeks. Nothing else but. lr My readings are sg: 1.025
ph: 8.3
alk: 6meq/L
no2: 0.1
no3: 2
nh4: .05
I need probally 30lb of live rock to finish my aquascape that I want. I am just going to go to the lfs and buy some premium rock that has been cured. Should I wait until my tank has fully cycled before I buy cured liverock? Will it hurt the liverock or critters on it with my reading the way they are?
ph: 8.3
alk: 6meq/L
no2: 0.1
no3: 2
nh4: .05
I need probally 30lb of live rock to finish my aquascape that I want. I am just going to go to the lfs and buy some premium rock that has been cured. Should I wait until my tank has fully cycled before I buy cured liverock? Will it hurt the liverock or critters on it with my reading the way they are?