Recommended additives for treating HLLE?

Anyone have any suggestions? Also how would I go about grounding my tank, as I hear that stray voltages can also cause this condition.


Staff member
The electrical outlets that you use for your equiptment needs to be grounded. For stray voltage, you use an in-tank grounding probe.
Are you having problems with HLLE with your fish? There are a variety of things that can cause HLLE in fish ranging from stray voltage to parasites.
My hippo tang is starting to develop HLLE, I asked one of the more knowledgable LFS in my area what o do and he said just feed more green food. I have been feeding him strictly spirulina and red seaweed selects on a clip for a week now and it doesn't seem to be going away. I was thinking that maybe I could add something to his food to speed his recovery.


Water changes are always helpful. Do you use carbon in your filter? If you do, try stopping it for awhile and see if that doesn't help......
Just treated the tank with a product I got from another store in my area they recommmended. It's called Hex-A-Min if anyone has used this let me know how things turned out. I will also try removing the carbon chambers from my emperor, should I take out both the ones that I filled and the blue floss covered ones that were included?
I haven't seen selcon for sale anywhere around here, is it marketed under any other names? I also just removed the carbon from emperor hoping to get the nitrates down as they were ~20


I recently read in one of my fish mags where hlle was linked (in tangs) to carbon use. Just like in freshwater discus, the carbon can "strip" the slime coat off the fish which leaves it vulnerable to other problems.
My yellow tang was a rescue, and while he was recuperating in the QT, his various problems were healing fine. This tank has no carbon run in it. After the QT was over, he was added to the main tank where his hlle started coming back. The only difference between the two tanks was the use of carbon.I removed the carbon and the hlle has competely healed up. A few weeks later I was reading the magazine when I came across the small mention of carbon and tangs. Weird huh? ;)
Also make sure that you give your tang some of the green seaweed selects too....


There is a product made by ecosystems for reef or FO tanks that reverses HLLE.I have only seen it for sale online.


While what I have to say is way off base from what everyone else is is goes...
I did a little research on HLLE a couple weeks ago and found an article written by an aquarium. It was a research article. The conclusion of the article was that the HLLE was caused by a vitamin deficiency and that it was cured in their system by supplementing the fishes diets with broccoli. While I realize this sounds kinda can give it a shot. Based on reading the might want to cut the stalks in half and sorta chop it up a little bit so that it will be easy to eat.


hlle comes from not enough vits or vit c. Carbon link was not proven and ppl kinda ruled that out. broccli is high in vit c. good feedings is what cures it. ecosystems sells some sort of vit. Nothing will reverse it other than good feedings of good foofs. selcon sells almost everywhere if not theres other vitamin additives feed good spinurila soak in it and various other foods.