Recommended Tank Cleaners


New Member
I'll be setting up my first 75g fish-only (with Live Rock) aquarium after years of keeping freshwater.
Can anyone recommend the best/favorite tank cleaners to purchase (Shrimp, snails, etc.)?
I know I shouldn't add them all at once until there's sufficent algae for them to munch on. But (1) how many to start? And (2) how many ultimately? I've seen some recommendation of a HUGE amount of cleaners in 75 gallon tank ... Are the #'s of cleaners I've seen really correct? That's a lot of critters!)


Active Member
You should probably have 1 crab per gallon (assorted) Also links of competitors sites should not be posted on this forum.


New Member
Originally Posted by HatesSushi
You should probably have 1 crab per gallon (assorted) Also links of competitors sites should not be posted on this forum.
1 crab per gallon. Holy moley. Cool.
What link?


Active Member
Holy moly! one crab per gallon? That means 65 crabs for my 65???? No way! I got about 8 right now and that seems like a lot.


Active Member
You figure some are going to die. I have a 90 gal. but I have 20 red leg hermits, 30 blue leg hermits, 15 Scarlet, 30 astrea snails, 20 Nassarius snails, 4 Emerald crabs, 5 Turbo snails (1 per 20 gallons), 5 sand sifting crabs, 1 green brittle star, 1 serpent star, 1 cleaner clam, 1 cleaner shrimp.
I know I don't have 90 hermit crabs but I think I made up for it with the bigger scarlet crabs from this site and the emerald crabs.