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what is the reason for this fish being a difficuilt fish to keep ? i have just read the new marine aquarium and the concious marine aquarist and they both recomend staying clear of this fish ?
one things for sure , this is a great fish
Most die as they are caught with cyanide. If you can pay the price difference in purschasing a MAC BiColor your, its not that much more, this will help your chances. MAC means it was net caught.
I have one. I bought him MAC certified. I have had him for a about 5 months now and its doing great. They are awesome peaceful fish. IMO a 75 gallon tank with at least 80 pounds live rock is perfect. The more rock the better but leave swimming room. Anything smaller wont cut it. This fish loves to swim. It used my entire 75 and now uses my entire 150.
It should not be placed with other agressive fish err let me rephrase that. Not placed with fish that are aggressive towards it. It probably wont do well with another dwarf angel that is aggressive towards it. I qt him and used NLS pellets to get him eating. From there I switched to smaller algae sheets. Then added some mysis. I feed him 3 times a day. My rock is very mature but this guy is a pig. IMO I think that is another reason many people fail with them. They choose to feed once a day or every other day. IMO a big no no with this guy.
The only thing IME it 100% needs in its diet and should be fed daily is spirulina. My guy attacks this stuff like a great white on a fat seal. He loves it. He also eats my angel formula that my emp eats. That has sponges in it. I believe this has helped as well. He has grown about .5 inch since I bought him. Become fat as well. Very actice fish. Not shy. One of the most gorgeous fish I have ever owned.
This video was of my little 3/4 inch Humu but the Bi color is out and about. That trigger has grown so much now.