recovery photos


Active Member
its been quite the battle back from the big crash but things are finally turning around. here are some photos of the corals in recovery.
brain coral took it pretty bad but you can see the brown streaks of zooxantellae returning. the red brain was white, the anemone is back bigger than ever. both my rock anemone are fine. you can see on the orange digita the dead spots, that was copmpletely bleached but most of it came back. you cn see there is still a bit of green cyano and some hair algaethat I am still batteling. but overall the tank has come around a fuyll 180 and is heading back to where I want it.



Active Member
here are more shot from through out the tank, every photo is of a coralthat was doing really poorly that I thought I may lose. most were bleached some were closed and covered in cyano. it was horrible. the purple cap was completely brown and fading into white. thats one of the most telling corals in the tank showing how the conditions have came back from the crash.



Active Member
and yet even more pictures. the duncan in this set was totally closed and would not open I lost a good half dozen heads off it, but now you cant even tell there was any die off at all when its open. both the smaller fungia were bleached out the l;arger one was partially bleached. the green centered palys were smothering in cyano no matter how much I cleared it off and refused to open.



Active Member
a couple more weeks and I am sure my tank will almost look normal again. what a shame for all the corals I lost. I lost so many corals I dont even have an accurate count, but a lot of zoas and brains are dead along with almost all my sps.


Well-Known Member

Your tank in recovery looks better than my tank ever did. Flea powder???? I am sure you have told the story many times....but once again explain or where is the post so we can catch up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower

Your tank in recovery looks better than my tank ever did. Flea powder???? I am sure you have told the story many times....but once again explain or where is the post so we can catch up.
basicly we went to a friends house, the friends had a rather bad case of fleas and we brought them home. We have anywhere from 15-20 cats at anygiven time, 3 dogs, and three ferrets, (among other things but the herps, other mammals, and avians arent susceptible to fleas). so we went on full oput flea killing mode. no sprays but I did use carpet powder on the carpet and couches and chairs, then vacumed it up, either I went overboard and accidently got some directly into my tank or when I vacumed the vacume kicked up enough powder to send my tank into a full downward spiral, milky white water, ammonia spike etc etc...... it was not a fun couple days. its been several months trying to bring my tank back round 100%.
moral of the story is, cover your tank and provide an outside air supply when flea treating your house, even if your not using sprays.


Active Member
15 to 20 cats! How do you deal with the litter box's? I hated them so bad I built an outside area for my kid's two cats and litter box's.
Oh yeah to bad about the tank.


Active Member
haha i guess u can only get away with owning that many cats in Maine lol.
In NY, they dont allow more than 3 per household


Active Member
sorting through some of my SPS skeletons I found this red capricornis it was about as dead as they get I thought. apparantly not. here is a macro of the underside of a 2 inch frag, the top is still barren and probably completely dead though the underside is very slowly recovering. you can see the polyps are coming back out. there is hope for this yet. we shall see how it does over the long haul. I have moved it down to the sand bed so my tang will clear the algae off it. my tang doen not like to cruise the upper portion of my tank. so anything in the top edges does not get trimmed by him.