Recovery Tank

I know Ive read in every book that you should make some sort of treatment/recovery tank. Now if I had a 125 gallon tank what size recovery tank should I get? What all would I need to setup a recovery tank?


you need...
a tank (10 - 20 gal is ok)- paint back, bottom & sides black/blue
a light
a filter
a heater
a thermometer
a piece of PVC (hiding place for scared/sick fish)
a filter sponge (soak in your DT for 1-2 days to build up beneficail bacteria then place in QT)


Originally Posted by chuckcac
you need...
a tank (10 - 20 gal is ok)- paint back, bottom & sides black/blue
a filter
a heater
a thermometer
a piece of PVC (hiding place for scared/sick fish)
a filter sponge (soak in your DT for 1-2 days to build up beneficail bacteria then place in QT)(GOOD to DO BUT NOT 100% NECESSARY)

fixed some things on the list
Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
20 gallons would be fine. It's pretty much can be used as a QT tank as well.
I was reading the acclimation page here on this website. And it has this super elaborate tubing method...Is there another method that works well without all of that? Whe I worked at a LFS they usually would float the fish in the bag for 30 minutes, then cut open the bag with a slit on top to allow air and let sit for an hour, then would take water from the aquarium and pour some into the bag, let sit another hour... Then they'd release the fish into the aquarium, is this okay?
Now maintaining this R.T.'s salinity and ammonia,nitrite,nitrate and ph balance...isnt that going to be really hard since it will be such a small tank? Should I float the fish and acclimate it into the recovery tank the same as I did when introducing it into the main aquarium?
Originally Posted by MaddestHatter
Now maintaining this R.T.'s salinity and ammonia,nitrite,nitrate and ph balance...isnt that going to be really hard since it will be such a small tank? Should I float the fish and acclimate it into the recovery tank the same as I did when introducing it into the main aquarium?


Originally Posted by MaddestHatter
DT= disease treatment?
DT = Display Tank
If your fish has already been acclimated properly to your main tank, you won't need to acclimate to the Quarantine tank.
there are other methods of acclimation, but the Drip method described here is far more beneficial as it allows a very gradual, comfortable adjustment for the fish. Also, you generally want to take any new fish and quarantine it for 3-4 weeks in the Quarantine/recovery tank. this allows it to settle in and recover from capture, shipping, starving, oxygen deprivation, etc etc

As to maintaining the smaller tank; most people I have heard from simply set up the Quarantine tank when needed; which is where the sponge comes in. When you set it up, you are "kick starting" it using bacteria from your main tank, which are caught up in the sponge.
I am sure there are other methods and viewpoints; this is just info I have gathered from reading up here


Gillyweed said:
DT = Display Tank
If your fish has already been acclimated properly to your main tank, you won't need to acclimate to the Quarantine tank.
Just to add--as long as your main tank and quarantine tanks match. In other words, the same salinity, ph, temp. If there are nitrates in your main tank it won't matter that they are not in the qt. imo just like doing a water change to get rid of them as far as the fish is concerned.


When I need to set up a QT, I do a water change in the main tank and use some of that water to fill the QT. Then you can just place the fish from your DT into the QT.
If it's a new fish, you should drip acclimate. It's not a complicated setup. Just put an airline tube into your QT - using one of those suction cups to hold it in place. Get the siphon going and put the end in your bucket with the fish. Below the QT so the siphon doesn't break. Tie a knot in the tube & tighten it until you get a good drip. I use a ziploc back filled with warm water (make sure it is sealed) to keep the water in the bucket warm. Sometime I have to replace it part way thru the drip process with warmer water.
After drip acclimation I temp acclimate to the QT tank for 15 minutes in a small plastic container and just let the fish swim in.
You can do the process of replacing small amounts of water in the bag over a couple of hours as an alternative, but I find the drip method is much easier.