Red Algae? Diatoms? Brown Algae?


Our tank is 3 months old and we just upgraded to a quad t-6 fixture. Our water parameters are normal - nitrates/nitrites 0, ph 8.2. This stuff just appeared - What is it? The purple algae seems to be disappearing. Is there possibly some silica just now coming from the base rock? Is there some product we can use to eliminate it? We don't want it taking over the tank. We have about 40 or so pounds of live rock, the tank is 55 gallons. There is a cleanup crew of about 10 to 20 snails and conches and they don't seem to be doing the job, or if they are, not fast enough. There are a few hermits as well... Help.



Looks good to me for a tank thats three months old. Give it some time like another 3 moths but thast what a tank thats maturing should look like to me


d0 thy d3w

i got that crap all ove rthe front of my tank..its kinda funny to look at because my snails clean it "part way" they leave little mouth prints in the algae, it kinda looks like a weird dot to dot thing..with the dots not thinkin i may add a couple more snails..


Active Member
Very normal for a new tank, this is what is known as "new tank syndrome". But, since you have just upgraded your lights....more watts I assume, then to help with this you should cut back your hours of the lights on. And then gradually increase the time. Look for the thread on here of "tank looking like shat", It is in the new hobbyist section. You have the same trouble, just not as bad.


Active Member
its just diatomic algae, "new tank syndrome" most likley it'll go away in a while. just give it some time.


I thought diatoms need silicate to eat.. Where would the silicate come from? We don't have any phos. or nitrates, or fake silicate sand or rock and we only use RO water. And wouldn't the diatoms of new tank syndrome shown up sooner when it was first cycling? Why 3 months? :notsure:


Active Member
often silicate comes in on tap water, or disolves out of your aragonite sand, plus small amounts are pulled directly from your glass and silicone seals "leeching into your water" this small amount will be quickly consumed and the phase will pass.