I have algae in my tank and I have no idea how to get rid of it!! It's red algae, and it mainly covers the live rock. There is some in the sand, but it's not brown, or diatoms. My tank has been free of that for about a month now. It's hairy algae and it clumps up and floats to the top of the tank if it comes off the live rock, but as far as I've heard, the hair algae is green, so it's not that. My tank is in it's 3rd month. It's a 72 gallon with 88-90 lbs of live rock. Ammonia, Nitrites, and Nitrates are all at 0 and PH is right at 8.3-8.4. I have a cleaning crew of about 25 blugleg hermit crabs, 10 nassuarius snails, 3 turbo snails, 2 scarlet hermit crabs, 4 peppermint shrimp, and 2 brittle starfish. I have a yellow tang also, which I would expect to clean some of this, but I don't think it does. I have 4X96 PC's and I leave the 2 daylight ligts on for 10 hours a day and the 2 acitinic lights on for 14 hours a day, going on 2 hours before and staying on 2 hours after the daylights go on. I have a protein skimmer and 1 power head, which I think may be too small. I have another one on order that I should have in about 2-3 days. Does anybody have any idea of what this algae is that I am describing and how I would get rid of it? Thanks!