Red Algae??


I need some help please. I have either red or brown algae. In either case, how do I get rid of it. It grew on the sides of my tank and on the crushed coral almost over night. Sorry the pic is so blurry, but any help someone can give would be greatly appreaciated.


Not too sure that thats it. Mine does not appear to be stringy. On the glass ot looks like a red or brownish smear. on the bottom it looks like a bunch of specks.


Active Member
Dose it come off really easy? And is it brown or is it red. Slime algae "better known and cyno" is actually a bacteria that forms for the same reasons and diatoms but also for low flow. Diatoms are brown and can be told apart from cyno. If it comes off really easy you have one or the other.


Its really hard to tell what color it is. it looks more red then brown. I have had a few people look at it. some say its red, some say its brown. It comes off pretty easy with the pad side of the scrubber. if it is red what causes it, and what is the best way to kill it. If its brown, what is the best way to deal with that.


Active Member
Well the red algae and brown algae bolth grow for the same reasons but red algae will form in low flow spots of a tank. The most common reasons are. Old bulbs, in direct sunlight "From window or door", over feeding, over populated tank, Bad water, high nitrates, phosphates or silicates "I think even amonia can be used to grow unwanted algae". Anyone of these reason could be your problem.
Check how old your bulbs are, see if your tank is in direct sunlight, is your tank over populated?, How mutch do you feed?, What are your params "include phosphates and sillicates", What type of water do you use?, How often do you clean your filters? Do you run carbon if so how long before you change it for fresh carbon?


"Check how old your bulbs are, see if your tank is in direct sunlight, is your tank over populated?, How mutch do you feed?, What are your params "include phosphates and sillicates", What type of water do you use?, How often do you clean your filters? Do you run carbon if so how long before you change it for fresh carbon?"
Bulbs are about 4 mos old, though I am leaving them on from about 9a to 9p, maybe that is too long? The tank gets some ambient light through the window, but its not direct sunlight. I have 2 small clowns. I feed them once a day. Ph is 8.3, Nitrite is 0, Ammonia is 0, nitrate is slightly elevated. I change the filter pad once a month. there is carbon in the filter pad. I have no idea about phosphates and sillicates. How do I test for them?


Active Member

Bulbs are about 4 mos old, though I am leaving them on from about 9a to 9p
If you dont have any corals than that is to long. I have corals and only have mine on for 10hours. "less for fishonly".
The tank gets some ambient light through the window, but its not direct sunlight.
If the algae is growing on the side of the tank that gets the light through the window then that could be your problem if not then it isnt.
I have 2 small clowns. I feed them once a day.
Mabey try to cut back to feeding once every other day. When you do this it forces them to forage for algaes and such on the live rock to eat as they would in the wild.
Ph is 8.3, Nitrite is 0, Ammonia is 0, nitrate is slightly elevated
Good, Good, Good and how mutch is slightly?
change the filter pad once a month.
Thats really good alot of ppl try and push it but it just wont work. Do you rinse the filter pad out inbetween changing's, "Like once a week."
I have no idea about phosphates and sillicates. How do I test for them?
This is a big reason right here. Alot of ppl dont have tests for these and they really need them. You will have to go and buy tests for them and that should work.
The reason I asked about carbon is becuase once carbon has sucked up stuff and it is depleted it can start to leech it back out in the system causing phosphate problems. Filter pads can do the same once they get to nasty to hold any more waste.
Also one thing you forgot to add What type of water do you use?


Thanks for the info. I will get a test for phosphates and sillicates.
The Nitrate is 5PPM If I remember. I tested two days ago. It is the second to the lowest on the color chart.
As far as water, I use ocean water. There is a company called the Catalina Water Company that takes real ocean water sterilizes it and sells it. check em out. When I have to top off the tank I use tap. It usuallly only takes half a gallon when I do have to top it off. Its only a 10 gallon so half a gallon is 5%.
Any Ideas?


Active Member
Useing tap to topoff will most definatly cause algae blooms!! If I could I would stop using tap and use RO water.


I picked up those two test kits. I will test the water when I get home. I will let you know.
Thanks again for all your help!!!