red algae


Well-Known Member

Does it come up like a matt or blanket? Of so it isn't algae but Cyanobacteria...blow on a corner gently with a (new fish only) turkey baster to check.


Well-Known Member
If it's a mat-like coating that is sort of slimy, and can be removed easily, then it's probably cyanobacteria. Typically this can be corrected homeopathically by increasing water flow over the problem areas, multiple water changes while siphoning the goo out, and keeping your nitrate and phosphate levels low.
If you have a very bad infestation, I'm going to buck tradition and recommend a red slime remover powder from your LFS. Use it according to its directions, including the water changes (otherwise the nutrients released by the dying cyano will just fuel another, larger outbreak!!) and then focus on fixing the root of the problem....the issues outlined above. Remember, any chemical algaecide we put in our tanks will only solve the symptom, not the causative agent. The only point (IMO) of these products is to make the tank look "pretty" in short order, but the algae will reoccur if you don't fix the main problem.