Red alge on the sand bed


New Member
The tank has a lot of red alge on the sand bed. After water change, it will come back in 2 days. How can i get rid of them.
Sounds like cyanobacteria. Do a search on here to make sure. If that is what you have it will be growing in the dead flow areas of your tank and you will need to increase flow and it should subside.


increase your flow (more or bigger powerheads), cut back on how much you feed, and do more frequent water changes.
I would only use a chemical as a last resort because of the risk associated. Make sure you are using RO/DI water and do a water change, increase the flow in your dead spots where the cyano is growing and make sure you are not over feeding as stated above. It will clear up in a few days. You can do a search on cyanobacteria if you want to use a chemical and find what you are looking for. By the way welcome to the boards.


yea i wouldnt use any chemicals unless its an absolute last resort. your tank is a sensitive eco system, do you really want to add chemicals to it? besides, chemicals only mask the problem. something in your system is feeding it, which is generally excess nutrients and low flow/stagnant spots.


New Member
i put an extra powerhead in my tank and the red algae left in about two days, i also picked up some crabs and they got on it. Pretty easy to take care of but constant water changes is the best way i have found.