Red Algea Problem


New Member
My tank is 100gal and been alive for 1 and half years. I now have a red algea problem. I have it growning (very nicely
) on the sand. What fish or invert would any of you recommend to eat it and keep it in check? I have vaccumed the bottom repeatitly and think I am just stimulating it to grow more. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks


Active Member
Cyano is a product of bad water quality, whether that be too high of nitrates, or phosphates. Test your phosphates and nitrates. If its phosphates, begin using RO/DI water from now on and get a phosphate pad and put it in the filtration container. They sell products that "eliminate" it, but they only mask the symptoms and the cyano will still be there.


New Member
RO water. Ca 410, Alk norm, amon 0ppm, nitrates 40ppm, nitrites 0ppm, ph 8.4, Temp 76, SpGr 1.026.


Active Member
Im going to say nitrates are doing it. Clean out your filters/skimmers, do water changes frequently, and make sure youre not overfeeding and you should be fine.