red algea


New Member
hi everyone
i was wondering if someone can help me with red algea. i decided a couple of months ago to go full blown with my tank and deicded to buy corals but i already had /figi/live rock. then because i bought corals i had to buy a better light so i bought a corallite 130 watts. eversence i have been getting red i was told to turn the light on for only 8 hours a day when before i had my other light on for almost more than half the day and to add this pill to kill algea called masarin. it soulds out like that(i think i spelled it wrong). anyhow the red algea is starting to go away somewhat but the corals seem a little dull or like if they need more light and i am affraid of getting more algea and the corals dieing as they are expensive!!!
so my question is if i can do something else to get rid of the algea and keep the light on more /i was wondering if there ia a fish that will eat red algea
or if there is something i can do to keep the corals happy while not turning on the light for more than 8 hours a day?
thanks all
i know i wrote alot


Active Member
I'll probably get alot of flack for even recommending Maracyn, but here it goes. How much of it did you use and how many times? It should be one whole pill per 55 gallons once a day until the crap is gone. Try picking it out after the third day of treatment. I used this stuff over a month ago, I run my lights 10 hours a day. However I used it after trying all of the corrective steps. Because there is always a cause and a quick cure will only cure it for a little while. What you have is not "red algae" you have Cyano Bacteria probably. Either way, I wouldn't use Maracyn until you have tried all of your options.
BTW, over dosing of this crap is probably not good for the corals
Do a search on this board about "cyanobacteria" there is a extremely helpful post that will guide you to all of the steps.


New Member
yeah i did get the maracyn and i used it for 4 days/half a pill per day plus i removed my carbon filter and it has gone away a litle but i still have some left...any other sugestions and ill check the cyanbacteria thing