red and brown algae


I just bought some chemi-clean but am trying other means first.
I cut my lights back to 4 hours and slowwwwly going up 1/2 hour every two weeks. Doing this till I get cryano bad then back off. Also I re-pointed my PH and added another (total of 3 PH). Cut feeding to everyother and so far it is 85% gone. Also only have like 5 fish and all food needs to be gone with 2 minutes or I over feed the fish.


right on.. thanks for the info and help....
i was just always told and read that 8 to 9 hours was normal


I was too but that is good to start. If nothing in the water is using the light for food, the algae will use it.
I would test for Phos or silicates in the water. If they are there, test RO membrane unit with TDS. If they are there, your filter is bad. If not, you are doing something to add these things to the water.
If you have none, I would next go for water flow. Get more water moving.
As the guy on my thread, it might not be one thing but a couple of things added together. Trust me, it is a royal pain to get rid of. I even turned of lights for 3 days to help.


Lastly, I would try to get rid of the algae in the tank. Either with a turkey baster or a hose. I used a hose and sucked out some sand, the cryano and a few gallons of water. I removed 90% of it and started from there.
Then I did the no lights and so one. It is a pain. And so far I have lots gone, but it is not over.