Red and Purple Firefish



Quick question, has anyone ever tried to keep them together? We have both and they are getting along great, but the guys at the LFS said that it wouldn't last long. They have been in the same tank for a few weeks. The red was first since he was in our first tank, the purple came a few days after. I just want to seperate them before they start in on each other if I need to.


Active Member
so long as they wer added at/around the same time i see no probs, now if u added a helfrichi firefish at this point i would be real scared...


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
so long as they wer added at/around the same time i see no probs, now if u added a helfrichi firefish at this point i would be real scared...
If they added a helfrichi firefish I'd be JEALOUS. :)


How large is the tank? A pair are fine, but more than two in confined spaces and they will start to chase each other (once comfortable) untill someone dies.


Active Member
i have two reds and a helfrichi in my 55. i`ve had them all for roughly 8 months, and they get along great.


Active Member
I had a red and purple together. They didn't get along well, I added both around same time and they did fine for awhile, then the purple started hiding all the time. The red jumped out afew weeks ago, and now the purple is out most of the time. I wouldn't do it, but thats me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by steve24
i have two reds and a helfrichi in my 55. i`ve had them all for roughly 8 months, and they get along great.
:mad: lucky....


Originally Posted by steve24
i have two reds and a helfrichi in my 55. i`ve had them all for roughly 8 months, and they get along great.
I want a helfrichi! How much did you pay for yours? What's the coloring like? PICS!?!?!


Active Member
Originally Posted by xnikki118x
I want a helfrichi! How much did you pay for yours? What's the coloring like? PICS!?!?!
i paid 150 for my helfrichi. here is a pic of both redsandthe helfrichi ...



Active Member
Originally Posted by steve24
go get one

Almost bought one for my 55 that i recently started, first time i saw one at lfs, but afraid to put such an expensive fish in a new tank and my 150 already has a purple and he didn't get along with my red (red jumped out recently) maybe someday i will get one, very beautiful fish.


Active Member
i`ve had mine almost 8 months now, and to this day i keep my fingers crossed that he doesn`t jump ... lol


I just got a purple one, and this guy will not eat pellets. The only thing he eats is a little frozen shrimp. I also noticed that they make quick darts at the water and live rocks, does he also eat pods? and does anyone know if they eat plankton?


Well, unfortunatly, the red died last night, and I have no idea why. I don't think we will replace him just in case the purple decides to become a Nazi and take over the tank. The red had been kinda mopey but we didn't expect him to just die on us.


Originally Posted by Nyx
Well, unfortunatly, the red died last night, and I have no idea why. I don't think we will replace him just in case the purple decides to become a Nazi and take over the tank. The red had been kinda mopey but we didn't expect him to just die on us.
Did he have spots or anything? The red are more docile. There may have been picking after the lights went out.


Nope, no spots no nothing, just laying on the bottom of the tank. The red and the purple got along great, but the Royal Gramma my be the culprit. I knew I shouldn't have gotten another one. They are supposed to be so docile. . .our last one killed everything in the tank and it was the last thing put in.


Originally Posted by Nyx
Nope, no spots no nothing, just laying on the bottom of the tank. The red and the purple got along great, but the Royal Gramma my be the culprit. I knew I shouldn't have gotten another one. They are supposed to be so docile. . .our last one killed everything in the tank and it was the last thing put in.
Royal grammas are not docile. I had one in one of my display tanks. I put a B&W occelaris in and he went NUTS. No reason at all, if the clown swam by, his mouth got bigger than his body! Luckily the gramma got sold that day, but he was a mean little bugger!


Well now the Gramma has spots all over it. Didn't show a thing when we had it in the QT tank, but now there are spots all over it, and a rather large white patch on it's shoulder. As soon as I figure out the new camara I will post a picture.