Red Bubble Algea :(


Active Member
This stuffs bad right? Remember my thread about my ick gsp's, well now theres redd bubble aglea growing on the mat. The polyps are still opening but im going to pull the bubbles off. hould i be good with just pulling the bubbles off without popping them? I was thinking about doing a 50% water change this week but i need to go get salt first. Would that help control it? And last question, I there any critters that eat this stuff?


Active Member
I got around to sucking them off today, but they wont come off, so i tried to pull them off with my hand and i ended up popping two off them and gave up. ny other ideas that might help me out?


Active Member
And im also seeing some small patches of red slime algea, is there anything that can live in a 29g tank that eats either red bubbke or red slime algea?