Red closed brain in tank with copper....NEED HELP QUICK!!!


Active Member
The LFS was giving a dying brain to his butterfly for dinner, so I took it off his hand in hopes of saving it (free). As I was leaving he informed me that the fish tanks MIGHT have been treated with copper. I have it acclimating in my qt for now. I never add the water from the store to my tank, so was wondering if it would be safe to acclimate in regular tank or should i leave in qt? Note....qt does not have sufficient lights for brain.....If i do have to leave it there, for how long? He doesnt look good, and im hoping i can save it. will post a pic after I learn which tank hes going in.
I couldnt stand to see it being eaten


Active Member
I have him in the frag tank (only softies in there now) last night it looked like a skelaton & few pieces of red flesh. I put the flashlight on him and hes all puffed up and healthy looking....just pitch white! (yes i know thats not healthy) Ill put him in the main display in a week.


Active Member
One other thing, being that he was in a tank with copper - they said for less than a day - will he survive?


Well why would a LFS even treat there tanks with copper if they knew it would effect corals...Sounds kinda fishy to me!


Active Member
I have him in the frag tank (only softies in there now
Copper is harmful to softiew aswell!


Active Member
1) The brain was taken from the coral tanks & put in with the fish....why they had to treat the fish..I dont know, never bought fish from them, went there for hermits & snails.
2) Had no choice, 3yr old had put plato in the qt..did not realize til was ready to put him in.:mad:



Originally posted by Innsmouth
I would leave it in quarantine for a week or two just to be safe.

innsmouth.... cant you use some other avatar? :scared: