I have a 85 gallon tank with the following fish - Scopas Tang (3-4 inch), Maroon Clown (3 inch), False Percula Clown (1 inch), Fox Face (3-4 inch), Fuzzy Dwarf Lion (3-4 inch), Coral Beauty (2-3 inch), Arrow Goby (3-4 inch) and 2 Damsels. 40kg of live rock. We have a sump which is holding about 10 gallons, with in sump skimmer (dont think its the best brand) and 5500 lph (1400 gal p/hour) return pump. We have a few corals as well, but not many.
Parameters are good except nitrates are up to 10 ppm at the moment, I will need to do a bigger water change as the 12% I did in the weekend only reduced it slightly, down from 20.
I saw a Red Coris Wrasse (4-5 inches) in our lfs for a good price and he is beautiful. The lfs told us that he should be ok in our tank with the other fish that we have and that space wont be an issue at this stage, when he gets closer to twice that size we may have a problem ... but if i get my way I will have a bigger tank by then anyway
Now, with the current set up I have, do you think I have the capacity to get him, or would I be best to leave it? Another option is to trade in (or give away) our Scopas Tang and Maroon/Tomato? Clown as I am really wanting nice bright colours in our tank, then that would leave decent space for one?
I have seen that the red coris will flip rocks etc to get to food, but if I keep just a few small rocks on the bottom with no corals near by that should keep him happy to look for food if he wants?
What are their eating habits like? I would imagine they are quite meaty eaters and have a large appetite, and they have a couple of little teeth as well.
Has anyone else got one of these? What are your experiences?
Parameters are good except nitrates are up to 10 ppm at the moment, I will need to do a bigger water change as the 12% I did in the weekend only reduced it slightly, down from 20.
I saw a Red Coris Wrasse (4-5 inches) in our lfs for a good price and he is beautiful. The lfs told us that he should be ok in our tank with the other fish that we have and that space wont be an issue at this stage, when he gets closer to twice that size we may have a problem ... but if i get my way I will have a bigger tank by then anyway
Now, with the current set up I have, do you think I have the capacity to get him, or would I be best to leave it? Another option is to trade in (or give away) our Scopas Tang and Maroon/Tomato? Clown as I am really wanting nice bright colours in our tank, then that would leave decent space for one?
I have seen that the red coris will flip rocks etc to get to food, but if I keep just a few small rocks on the bottom with no corals near by that should keep him happy to look for food if he wants?
What are their eating habits like? I would imagine they are quite meaty eaters and have a large appetite, and they have a couple of little teeth as well.
Has anyone else got one of these? What are your experiences?