Red Coris Wrasse-HELP


I bought the most beautiful adult red coris wrasse 2 days ago. She seemed to be fine the first night swimming all over the place. Other than a couple of minutes of my sailfin tang and queen angel showing who's tank it is there did not seem to be too much aggression but she has kept burried in the sand ever since not even coming out at feeding time.
I am looking for any suggestions or advice. I am afraid that she can not live too long like this.

it's chuck

has it eaten since you put it in? If it has I wouldn't worry mine hid for the first few days after I put him in and then was only out for about 7 hours a day, now he is out about 12 hours a day and is a very bold fish (will swim in my 16 inch SFE caves and he is only about 4.5 inches)


Active Member
Mine stays out during daytime and bury's at night unless I disturb the tank (cleaning, moving fish, etc) then it may bury and not come out for 1-3 days. Normal behavior when stressed.


Well today has been 3 days. I searched the sand bed and found her but she just fluttered to another spot under the sand. What is the longest yours stayed under?


Active Member
I've seen them stay buired for the better part of a week.
Searching for them will only distrub the tank and cause them more stress. It's best to let it run it's course.
If he's nice and healthy he'll be able to live for several weeks without food, so if he doesn't come out for a week or more, only then would I take the step of searching for him.
FWIW, the Red Coris has a poor long term survival rate in captivity, so once they get settled in, if they disappear for days at a time, it's cause for some concern, but at first... no... let it be.

it's chuck

mine stayed buried for the first day or two, but you need to leave her alone unless you have a QT tank without any substrate (which is kind of mean but it would give you chance to feed it) if you keep trying to find it you are just gonna stress it out more and make it hide longer, it will come out when it's comfortable


lol actually, I had a guy GIVE me a coris wrasse about a month ago. I had a grouper in my tank. I put the wrasse in, it buried. The next day it was swimming around. Then the day after that, I never saw it again. I assumed the grouper ate it. So about 3 days ago I bought another coris wrasse (the grouper is gone now) and when I got home to put the new coris in the tank....there was my old one swimming around. It was buried for a month without me EVER seeing it one single time. So now I have 2 coris wrasses lol

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist ,Corris Wrasses normally hide in the sand ,or in crushed coral .When I brought mine ,it was orange with white stripes .Now,it has lost the stripes and has turned orange ,with light blue speckles over navy blue towards the end of its body ,and a solid yellow tail .The CW can be an aggressive eater. But after it eats , it retires under the substrate .


I would not worry if I were you. I have had a Juvi Red Coris Wrasse for almost a year, and he finally got his schedule right. Hes now out for feeding time, and he now seems to bury himself at night. I have been in your situation many times, thinking mine is dead or hes been eaten, but he always shows back up sometimes many days later.


Finally... I just fed the tank and there she is, swimming around like she has been here all of her life. I was getting worried it has been a full week since I put her in and lost her.