red (cotton)hair algae


New Member
I need help. Can someone please give me a legitamate way to rid my tank of the ugly red algae. It thrives. My water is perfect for ph,nitrate, nitrite, ammonia. I got a 40g, 40lbs live rock, 4 fish, 1 clown, 1 lemonpeal angle, 1 chromis,1 small damsel, 2 anemone's, 1 brain coral, 3 emeralds crabs, 1 electric hermit, 4 small hermits, 4 snails, 2 shrimp, 1 conch, 1 urchin. None of them like to eat the red algae except the electric hermit. How do I get rid of this stuff. :help:


Active Member
You should get a phophate test kit too. Algaes feed off of phosphates/nitrates and light. Even if your kits read zero though you know you have some nitrates and/or phosphates because if you didn't, you wouldn't have the algae. What happens is the algae consumes the nutrients before you get a chance to test for them.
It will help to know a little more about your tank...
What substrate do you have?
How much flow?
How long running?
I personally would add more to your cleanup crew. And don't aim for something that will eat the algae, get something that will scavenge for leftover food and detritus. I like nassarius snails as the major portion of my crew. I also like cerith snails. I would add about 15-20. You could get some more hermits too/instead.


New Member
More info. Dang, I got about 50 lbs worth of sand and live sand. Its been up for 4 months. all the regular algae is under control. Only the red stuff thrives. I got a couple of the snails u said. I just bought a blenny. I know I need to test for phosphate and that is why the algae is there. I got really powerful blower compared to the lfs's tanks. It's weird, I know I got to rearrange the rocks but I dont want to. I guess I need a better cleanup crew. I also just got a pink bubble anemone that is not dyied. and a tuxedo urchin.