Red dots on Sixline Wrasse


Active Member
On NYE I bought a Sixline Wrasse.
I've noticed that it has a pattern of red dots (think . size) along the lighter pink 'chin' of the fish.
I've searched the Internet to see if this is normal coloring, but I've only found 2 or 3 photos that were high enough resolution (including this one, and they don't seem to have the spots.
I've also done due diligence and checked Beth's thread, but the bacterial infections shown there were more 'splotchy'. These almost look like razor stubble on the fish, dot sized specs all across the lower head.
Anyone else out there have a sixline with similar marking?


Active Member
Thanks guys.
Yes Beth, that's it. Except instead of a goatee, mine has a full-face beard.
While staring at the fish last night, I saw that there are also light-colored spots on the blue part of its body that matched up in size and spacing, so I started leaning towards 'its ok' at that point. Thanks again for the confirmation.