Red Emerald Crabs


Active Member
Just picked one up yesterday to replace my dearly departed 3+ inch Green Emerald who died of old age about a week ago...-sniff sniff-.
The thing is cool. It really blends in to my Live Rock, and I can scan the rock several times looking for it before I catch sight of it.
Anyone else have any of these?

nm reef

Active Member
I've seen several colors of of mine is sort of maroon colored.I've heard that diet can affect color. Not sure if thats true...just what I've heard.But mine was green when I added it...and the LR he lives on is covered in a maroon colored coraline algae.:cool:


I bought 2 red and 2 green about a year ago and they are all hard to find. They are cool when you can find them and when feeding the tank.