Red General Star


hello again everyone
Need to find out some information on the Red General Starfish, what are its tank buddies and what exactly does it eat, Can I keep it with ALL other types of starfish? just wanted to know anyones information on the star, please let me know


Active Member
Found under the "inverts" tab on this site:
The Red General is a large starfish that is deep bodied. It is colored in gray and red, including a red five-pointed star in the center of its body, which lends to its name of Red General. These stars have red tubercles that run along each arm, as well as surrounding the star in the center. They are very active stars that should only be kept in larger aquariums. They are not reef safe, because they will eat sessile invertebrates. They will not harm other starfish or fish. They make great additions to fish-only tanks, since they add lots of color. These Starfish should be fed regularly.
As far as I can see is you just spot feed them every now and then. You could alternate between a homemade "seafood salad" and some silversides or something similar. They will eat corals though for sure so you can't go with a reef.


Active Member
I would not keep it in a small tank, under 30 gallons, personally. They are exceedingly sensitive (as are all stars) to water quality. As other stars have very different feeding styles (eg Linckia) I would not typically keep them together. Many other stars need FAR larger systems.
This is a highly predatory star and is a threat to snails, hermits, corals, anemones and just about anything else it can catch. It should be kept well fed.
All sea stars are quite delicate and require mature tanks with PRISTINE water parameters. Specific gravity must be 1.025-1.026. What is "perfect" for fish is frequently fatal for these animals.