red legged hairy hermits!


I just got one cause my lfs said he may eat some of my aiptasia! yay! I hope it works but he is big and I'm wondering 2 things?
Do I need larger shells for him to change into?
Do I need to worry about him digging holes in the sand bed? I have 3 narcicus snails? sorry spelling I suck LOL TIA


it also might eat any other corals you have in your tank.
Yes youll need bigger shells for him to change into...
i think that if you have other hermits.... theyll get bullied and killed .. because hes looking for a new shell/home.
Hermit crabs arent known for "digging holes" in the sandbed in tanks

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jesses89
it also might eat any other corals you have in your tank.
Yes youll need bigger shells for him to change into...
i think that if you have other hermits.... theyll get bullied and killed .. because hes looking for a new shell/home.
Hermit crabs arent known for "digging holes" in the sandbed in tanks
I dont think they will eat aiptasia.


OK well either way he is definitely big and cool looking! His shell is 2 1/2 inches long! he is no lil hermit! LOL I don't think he'll pick on the smaller hermits, some of there shells are smaller than this guys claw! I will get Joe's juice and keep them under control and just hope my 3 peppermints are truely peppermints and eat the stupid aiptasia! thanks for ur help!


he'll still end up killing your other hermits... Just My Opinion.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Off topic but i remember the first atemp at a sw tank about 10 yrs ago,my kid had a hermit crab in a plastic cage.All i heard all night long was Click! Click! of its little feet against the plastic.One night i had a brainstorm and threw it into aquarium.To my daughter and my surprise it was gone in the morning,just a few pieces of shell left.My Trigger i think was laughing at my stupidity and thanking me all in one breath.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Red Hairy Legged Hermit Crab - Is a large hermit crab species distinguished by a left claw that is equal to or larger in size than the right.
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Level of Care: Easy
Diet: Eats meaty bits of seafood, algae and detritus.
Natural Origin: Tropical Western Pacific
Common Name: Red Hairy Legged Hermit Crab
Other Names: Red Hairy Hermit Crab, Red Hairy Crab
Scientific Name: Dardanus lagopodes


Active Member
If it is a Dardanus, it might even eat your light, your filter and your tank, then the stand and go outside and eat a tree, LOL. I doubt that is what it is though. Look up Aniculus Crabs and see if they look familiar. They will usually wreck everything in an aquarium as well.


Oh geez thanks for the info! I will look it up! So I put some new bigger shells in there and he already moved into one in 1 day! and my shrimp molted and I haven't even had him for a week that's good right?


well least all I have are fish and inverts and plenty of aiptasia! Hopefully he'll go for them! I do want to do corals soon but need to get rid of aiptasia and upgrade my lights first! thanks!


So here is a pic of him finally! I think he is the source of my cloudy tank too! He seems to be sifting through the sand something fierce! ANd when he does it is making white dust in the water. Do you think that is why my tank is so cloudy sine I got him? Oh and just found one of my n. snails
Is this thing gonna destroy my tank? He has alredy moved into the biggest shell in the tank! he has moved twice in 2 weeks he is now double the size he was 2 weeks ago!!!



I know but I just went to the lfs that I trust and didn;'t sell it to me and he said he may try to eat my fish and definitely my hermits and snails and I finally got 3 peppermints to stay alive and I do not want him to eat them!