Im looking to hear about anyones experiance that has kept one of these guys. What you fed him, how he acted in the tank (personality), and what you generally thought of the fish?
Sea Goblin
never had one, but they are almost identical to the LMB, witht he exception of having red lips.
I love our LMB, feed him nori, flakes and algae wafers as well as him finding plenty ont he rocks and glass to graze upon
ok, If he is like a LMB, then would a 30 gallon be able to support him? I was kinda under the impresion that a 30 was too small for the LMB so maybe the red lip wouldnt work out too well.
Sea Goblin
My experience with the Red Lip Blenny wasn't a good one. I had it for about three months, while it gradually starved itself to death the entire time. It had plenty of algae to graze on, plus I always put nori in the tank. I never once saw the fish eat, but it was always active and EXTREMELY territorial. It was sad watching this fish starve itself to death as it was the only fish I have ever had that didn't eat. I have since replaced it with a LMB that is now very chubby, and will eat anything that goes in the tank. I've seen it eat flakes, mysis, and brine, but mainly see it "kiss" the algae off the glass.
I have had my redlip blenny for a year now. Very cool to watch. He is very active, and is the best algea eater in the tank. He eats off the rocks, power heads, and sides of the tank.
I feed my fish a diet of seaweed and brine shrimp. He seems to love the brine shrimp.
i had a red lip blenny and he was very active and also very territorial he attacked my hogfish and other fish but he was an awesome algae eater...if you have passive fish in your tank you might want to think twice about getting him
I also have one, had him for about 8 months, never seemed to eat but was always fat, I believe he was eating all the coe-pods in my 180 and then he just started eating everything I threw in, mysis, algae, nori, you name it. Great personality, I really like him.