Red Macro Algae


Hi Jody,
No, I don't exactly grow them. I got to much for my little refugium to handle. I'll post a picture tonight of the Macro Algae.
Jace18, The shipping charge for the Macro will cost about $6.75 USPS Priority Mail. That will be my flat rate for shipping the Macro. However, I don't know how well it will do during shipping. Since, overnight shipping will not be worth it at all.
Anyone else that is interested please email me at


I think you’ve got it all wrong. Look at this excerpt from IPSF:
In a home culture system, you can expect a 150% increase of your Tang Heaven biomass each month. For example, if you start with 3 pounds of Tang Heaven (the amount we supply in our Tang Heaven Commercial Pack), within a few weeks you should be able to harvest - on a sustainable basis - a pound per week of fresh, nutritious Tang food! This is enough to supply all the dietary needs of at least 6 medium sized tangs.
It’s referring to a Commercial Pack. Notice that it’s in parentheses. I don’t think you get 3 pounds of Macro Algae for $19.95. If you click on the bottom link and view the comments from one of their customers, you would see that they get small amount of Red Macro Algae. As for the picture, I’ll take a close up shot of it and you will definitely can tell if it is Tang Heaven or not! If others think it’s not worth it then, I’ll retract my offer. I got to much algae and was willing to get rid of some excess.