Red Mushrooms


u plan on thinning anymore if so i would love to get some. im located in mi so im close i have nothing to trade right now but would buy some at good price :)


Originally Posted by seannmelly
guess you forgot about me?
no way!! just wanted to make sure it was cool to ship to the east coast before i sent a lot of stuff that didn't make it! Your label is printed and I have to get more thermoses this weekend, dude. didn't forget about you!!


Originally Posted by kingoftang
umm...if u stil have ne shrooms left can u please email me at and give me the details on wat u wud like 2 trade??
do u just want live rock or u want other corals/inverts??
I really would like zoos.... but at the moment, anything OTHER than red mushrooms would be greatly appreciated. if you have a piece of rock, that's ok, too. the rocks I have sent out are not big, but they have enough shrooms on them to get you started.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fwildthing
no way!! just wanted to make sure it was cool to ship to the east coast before i sent a lot of stuff that didn't make it! Your label is printed and I have to get more thermoses this weekend, dude. didn't forget about you!!

thanks, you are a great reefer for doing this for everyone. i hope everyone thanks you for this. this has to take alot of time and money!


Originally Posted by seannmelly
thanks, you are a great reefer for doing this for everyone. i hope everyone thanks you for this. this has to take alot of time and money!
LOL... well it seems I have more money than time, my friend. It works out that I have to take off a morning just to ship the packages! But, I think it's a good thing. unfortunately I seem to forget some folks and I hope they read this.... send me an e-mail at if you want to make a deal. I can't even log on most nights, but I will send to whoever wants shrooms. If I haven't gotten to you, send me another e-mail. don't want to leave anyone out.


wanna make sure everyone knows......if i forgot to send you mushrooms, write me a letter. i have a few already that I overlooked. I am hardly ever on here, so I count on you to remind me!!!!


Originally Posted by kingoftang
umm...if u stil have ne shrooms left can u please email me at and give me the details on wat u wud like 2 trade??
do u just want live rock or u want other corals/inverts??
bro, i just want your avatar....... send her to me and you can have the whole tank.


Originally Posted by seannmelly
thanks, you are a great reefer for doing this for everyone. i hope everyone thanks you for this. this has to take alot of time and money!
sean, i am going to send you so many mushrooms you're gonna throw up. I haven't been available for quite some time. it's business and i hope you understand. I have a pain in the a** job and it doesn't yield to my own interests. I have three saltwater tanks that need my undivided attention. LOL... not that easy.
thanks for being so patient