Red / Orange Flower Tree Coral..would it be ok?


New Member
I just got back from my LFS and worked there for six hours and he said i can have this.
I just read that its Expert Only and dont know if i have the right conditions to keep it.
I have a 15 tall with a small powerhead and protin skimmer and a 110 aquaclear hob filter
for lighting i have a 96 watt 18inch compact Fluorescent Quad 50/50
its been in the tank for about 20mins. its just so you know where i have it placed.
should it be ok??


Active Member
As long as you keep it from the light and feed it regularly it should be okay. They are hard to keep due to the fact they arent photosynthetic which means youll have to feed them large amounts of food, which means you'll have to maintain water condition. I aslo heard its better if you glue them to the rock upside down.


Active Member
Not an easy coral to keep unless it's in a dedicated non photo tank, they require a lot of feedings and can really mess up your water quality, I would do a lot of reading on their care but not a coral I would choose for a average mixed reef due to their specialized needs. In the future I wouldn't buy anything unless you know what it requires.


Well-Known Member
They need a strong current, in the cave is great. If you can direct a power head to blow across it you will have a very happy coral. You might try to glue it to the top of the cave.


As mentioned, they're considered a harder coral to keep due to the fact that they're non-photosynthetic.
Rod's Food makes a coral food with rotifiers and other things in it that doesn't toxify the tank too much and I have found it to be really good for non-photosynthetic corals, I highly recommend you look at it.
I discovered the best way to feed was to mix some into the fish food at feedings and turn off the filter for a little while.
If this is the only non-photosynthetic that you put in the tank, you shouldn't have too much of an issue with water quality.
The cave is a great place for it, just make sure there is enough flow that food can reach it.