red/purple coating on live sand.


I've had my 125 gallon tank set up for 2 months now and recent a red/purple layer has started on my live sand. Recently the temperature shot up in my tank (my central air was broken for 3 days). I had an ick outbreak which seems to have started to receed. I've installed a UV and done 3 15% water changes - using RO water as the base.
What's causing the dark red/purple coating and how do I get rid of it?
I have a Hippo Tang, 3 percula clowns, 1 coral beauty angle, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 starfish, 2 yellowtail blue damsels, 1 mandarin and 1 humbug, 15 small hermits, 5 turbo snails, 4 margarita snails. I have a 15 watt UV, Rena XP3, Fluval 404 and a hang on protein skimmer. I also have about 75 pounds of live rock and about 1-2 inches of live sand. Amonia, nitrite are 0 and nitrate is low. Temp is 79. I use purple up every 3-4 days.

b bauer

hi and welcome to the boards you probably have cyano much flow do you have,and do you have your water test results?


Amonia is 0, Nitrite is 0, Nitrate is 1, pH is 8.2, temp is 79.4 F. I don't know calcuim.
I have a Rena XP3 (350 gph) - I also have a Fluval 404 (240 gph?) and I stuck in a power sweep power head (270 GPH).
Why the algae growth all of a sudden? The cycle went through 6-7 weeks ago.


Active Member
Originally Posted by b2bwest
Amonia is 0, Nitrite is 0, Nitrate is 1, pH is 8.2, temp is 79.4 F. I don't know calcuim.
I have a Rena XP3 (350 gph) - I also have a Fluval 404 (240 gph?) and I stuck in a power sweep power head (270 GPH).
Why the algae growth all of a sudden? The cycle went through 6-7 weeks ago.
Do some searches on cyano. It's a pretty common thing, but not good. There are remedies out there to help eliminate it. It can take over a tank pretty quick so get on it as soon as possible.


It's growing fast. Did a search and found a product called Kent Poly Ox. It says it's safe for fish and invertibrates - but it is Potassium Permanginate based - which I know is a very strong oxident. Anyone used this product? And is it really safe? Anything to watch out for?


Active Member
do not use chemical! try adding cheato to ur fuge if u hv one. if not, tie them up in a rubberband, and sit it next to a live rock w goodflow. the cheato with compete w the algae for phosphate and carbon dioxide. turbo snails from the pacific or mexico will also eat red algae. while doing water chng, siphon off the red algae off the live rocks.

college kid

I have the same problem (cyano) and it is horrible. I can barely keep up, I've limited my feeding, turned lights off for several days, I have never heard about using cheato I think I'm going to have to go get some, this stuff is awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I just added chaeto in my 29g biocube and I originally had put it in a hanging plastic basket but that was too big for my tank. Anyway, I ended up buying a $1 netted bathing scrubber, the kind that you put some soap on to wash with that's water safe and soft. I cut the string that holds it together bunched up and it is actually of double tube of this netting. I knotted it at both ends with the chaeto inside and stuck it behind my rocks. You could also hang it by tying the rope handle in one knot and put some rubble rock in at the bottom to hold it down if you needed to. It worked beautifully, has lots of room for growth and doesn't take up much room. Became a quick, cheap fix for me!


I couldn't find cheato at LFS, but the guy there sold me another plant that said would do the same thing. So, I put a bunch in the DT 1 week ago and now it's starting to get coated in purple slime too.
This stuff is taking over my tank quickly.
Anybody try the Kent Poly OX? Is it safe?
I have:
Blue Tang
Coral Beauty Angel
3 Common Clown
1 cleaner shrimp
4 turbo snails
4 margarita snails
2 yellow tailed blue damsels
1 Humbug
I also have a UV, 2 canister filters, protein skimmer.
Nitrate today was 3 mg/L, nitrite was 0, Ammonia was 0. pH was 8.3.
I'd say 2/3 of the sand is now covered and it's starting to grow up the LR. ANd its growing on the glass and on the plants.


i've also battled with red slime, and kinda still do, but i just do frequent water changes, using a siphon vaccum to pull out as much of it as i can...
i haven't used any medication for it yet but until you decide whether or not to use the Kent Poly X just do alot of water changes and ensure proper circulation in your tank.


Active Member
whats your PO4 ?
phosphates are a large contributor, and macro algae like cheato will eat it out of the water so the cyano cant feed on it. you can also use a PO4 reactor.
99% of the time cyano break outs occur due to lack of flow. you want to aim for at least 15 times your tank's volume in total GPH. so youhave a 125, your total in tank turn over should be 1500 GPH +.
in the mean time, cut down on your feeding, especially frozen foods which tend to have PO4, and cut down on lighting time.


I have 960 GPH + whatever a prizm hang on protein skimmer moves.
I did a phosphate test tonight, and it came back 0. The test kit is old, so I'm wondering if it isn't working.
Nitrate was still 5 today.
pH was a bit low tonight. 8.1 so I added some buffer.
Where can I get Cheato?