Red Reef Hermit


New Member
How often do Red Reef Hermits shed their exoskeleton? I currently have only 1 in my FO tank. He moved into a bigger shell the day after we got him (we had a variety of shells of different sizes spread about in the tank) and he shed his skeleton a week later. Now, 2 weeks after that, he looks huge (compared to the tiny little guy we first bought) and I wonder when he'll shed again. The shell he picked is plenty roomy for him.


Active Member
Some will grow alot faster than others. I had a hawaiin zebra grow super fast compared to my other hermits. If they like your tank they will molt and grow quickly. If there are shells too then all the better. As far as a set schedule there is none. Its a sign of a healthy tank if your inverts are molting and growing well...
YAY my 700th post :)


New Member
Also have 3 TINY blue legged hermits, the smallest of which has already molted, only a week after I bought them!
Congrats, bdhough, on your 700th post!! And, Thanks for the reply!


Active Member
I had this little guy for 4 months, he grew fast.

He is dont growing now, he just molts about once every two months.