red scooter blenny


IS this a bad fish to get? I have a a ton of pods. You can see them on all the live rock and the glass walls. But I thought they are like the mandarin and would slowly starve ?

gill again68

Active Member
Well I think you are correct in thinking that a well established tank is better for this fish as well as a mandarin. Funny you posted this as I was just looking last night at the red scooter. Thinking I might get one. How old is your tank?


it's 6 months old. I was reading different care sheets for them last night and some said you can't do anything less than 75 gallons but then other sites said 20 gallons so I wasn't sure which advice to go off of.


You can have him a 20 gal.BUT you HAVE to put in a butt loads of pods in every day because they can eat well over a 1000 a day.Thats why a big mature tank with a fuge is the best for scooters and mandarins.

gill again68

Active Member
So here is a question. When is a tank mature and how can one tell? Does a fuge catapult you system ahead or is time the factor. I ask because you read a lot about a mature tank but I think all these can have factors.


I have a 40 gallon and I would assume its semi mature. Sometimes I have water quality issues but I think thats more user error than fish tank issues. I really would like one but at the same time I don't want to starve him later down the road and have to scramble to be feeding him 24/7. I'm breeding brine shrimp, pods, and mysisd already so I could supplement once every few days also. IDK maybe I can do it.