Red Sea Berlin Protein Skimmer


New Member
Does anyone have a Classic Red Sea Protein Skimmer that works? I have been fiddling with mine for a month now with on a little foam appearing and then nothing. It certainly isn't skimming well. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Mine works fine with a rio 2100 pump in sump. Make sure the air line is not cloged or the air jet inside the intake fitting is clean.


New Member
Hi Dogstar,
I get a nice stream of fine bubbles so that looks good. My protein skimmer is located just outside the sump with a Mag 5 as the pump. Does it make any difference by placing the skimmer in the sump or changing the elevation of the skimmer relative to the sump? I greatly appreciate the feedback.


Active Member
I have allways had mine IN the sump so I dont really know if out side makes a difference. I know the distance of tubeing would restric flow and they should free drain back in the sump without any tubing on the drains. Mine sits on a little shelf I made that keeps the base about 8 inches under the water.


New Member
Ok. Th skimmer is in the sump and I will run it in that position to see how that changes things. I guess if that doesn't work I will do some cleaning. Thanks again for the assistance.


Get yourself a kent venturi valve and with a little modification you can supposedly make that skimmer rock.


New Member
Hi Thomas712,
Is there a how to somewhere that I can reference to make this modification? I am interested in finding out more about this enhancement. Anyway good news is that for the first time there was about two table spoons of green liquid in the collection cup. Is this normal amount for a day of skimming (85 gallon aquarium)? Your help is greatly appreciated.