Red Sea Cleaner Wrasse


Ok as most of us already know most of the common cleaner wrasses usually perish before too long in captivity... Sure some people do have success but most dont or go through before they actually get one that lives for over a month.. I really like the job of the cleaner wrasse and i feel that they do a great job of cleaning fish while they are alive but id like to stop wasting money if i could and get one that lives longer but id like to get it for the same purpose which is cleaning my fish... So, my question for all of you that have ever owned the (red sea cleaner wrasse) or do own it is do they clean fish just like the common cleaner wrasses or would i be wasting my money purchasing this fish to keep my other fish clean?? I have a cleaner shrimp right now but am looking for a little more so any opinions or advice is appreciated... Thanks


Active Member
There are some home grown (aquacultured) cleaner wrasse on the market now. I know little about them, but they should be very hardy. Just my opinion; but I think cleaners (fish or shrimp) in a captive environment are fun to watch, but serve no real purpose. There is seldom enough for them to eat off fish (except, maybe, in very large systems) and they need to be fed, just like any other critter, to survive.


Finally, a question I can answer with both experience and certainty. I purchased one of these beautiful fish at the LFS a few months ago. He was an impulse buy because I got over excited that he was eating pellet food very aggresively. I got him home and then researched him. Turns out that these fish are only cleaners as a juvinile. As adults they eat SPS coral. Mine ate pellet food and mysis shrimp until the day he died. He just disappeared. I am assuming that he died of malnutrition. I soke all of my food in vitamins hoping to keep this fish alive. It didn't work. They need a steady diet of SPS coral.
If you are looking for a cleaner, keep looking. This one won't work.
depending on your tank inhabitants you might want to consider the neon gobies.. they are cleaner fish and do very well in reef tanks with peaceful tank mates


Yes i have a friend who has a cleaner (neon) gobie that seems to do well in his tank. I believe i will get a few more cleaner shrimp and a few cleaner gobies.. I dont have a very very large system but i have a 150 gallon with 3 tangs and several other fish.. I just feel that its always a good idea to have these cleaner type fish and shrimp around just in case anything pops up because it has in the past for me at least.. I use to be very happy with my cleaner shrimp but one croaked after about 6 months and the one i have left now doesnt even act like he really wants to clean the fish anymore he just wants to eat fish food especially the mysis shrimp lol.. I know they say that cleaner shrimp clean the fish less as adults but ive seen much bigger cleaner shrimp that still cleaned fish so i guess its just the shrimp... I really appreciate all of your input because if it wasnt for you guys i probrably would have bought a 40 dollar wrasse just for it to die... Thanks again


My cleaner wrasse is still alive and doing well. Eats both regular fish food and I see it picking stuff off the fish. Seems to stick mostly with the trigger and foxface. The other fish get annoyed and chase it away. Is it actually doing any cleaning? I have no idea since I don't see anything like ich on the fish anyway. Also have 3 cleaner shrimp in the tank.


my cleaner wrasse has been in my tank for over 3 months, and is still doing well, he cleans the fish, which is amazing to watch, and eats prepared foods. however i do believe he is tank raised.
if you have a lfs that you can trust, they will get you a tank raised fish. my local store has had theirs for 2 years.