Red Sea Max 34 Gallon for Beginner


What do people think of this tank. My LFS is trying to talk me into this over a 46 or 72 gallon. Is this a good tank for a beginner? It does appear to be a pretty good value.


umm what r u lookin to have/ do in the tank? also how much r u willing to spend? i'll help u if u have more info hehe=P


hey jw1997...I have the red sea max and overall it is a pretty nice tank. I like how everthing is set up, it's really easy to clean and maintain but there are minor issues with it sometimes. Microbubbles are a big problem with this tank and you have to tweak stuff until you get rid of them (which can take a while). Another problem are the fans in the hood. When I first got my MAX, they worked fine but after a while they started acting up. They would make a loud rattling noise and after I opened up the hood, I found that they were pretty cheaply made. So after about 30 minutes and a little superglue, they work fine. (The fans themselves are a little noisy but you will get used to it). Hope I helped you out a little bit! Just look around and you might find something else that you like. Feel free to send me a PM anytime!


This is my first tank so I really just seeing if I like it. I'd really like to be around $1000 or a little higher(without fish). How many fish can you keep in this system? 3 to 6? Would I be smarter to look at the 28g HQI Nanocube


hey its up to u lol i still havn't bought my tank just plan on researching a ---- load for it heheheh, umm i plan on goin reef and having coral before i do anythign else and im goin to take ti really slow as i can't spend way to much for it