Red Sea Prizm Skimmer


Help me out here please. I am on a budget and am looking into this skimmer. I have a 75 gallon FOLR. I've heard good and bad opinions on I came here for the best input!!!:thinking:


Active Member
I don't have any experience with the Prism. I almost purchased one a few years ago for a 29 I had set up, but was dissuaded from buying it due to other reefers experiences with it being difficult to adjust, producing a lot of noise, and not producing quality skimmate.
If you're looking at hang on back skimmers, I would suggest looking for a used AquaC Remora. They are great skimmers, and the one I'm currently running produces skimmate similar in quality to the Euro Reef I had on the tank until it's pump broke.


I really like mine, I have mine on a 29gal. and it works great so far I don't need to clean it that often!:yes:


I have 2 and have had no problems with either for over 6 months. A few adjustments in the beginning and clean it out once a week and you'll be fine.


I use red sea prizms on my 90 gallon and 125 gallons salt water and my 55 african cichlid tank, I Love them and i think they do a great job, in my 90 gallon i have 3 tangs which i have had over 2 yrs and my 125 is butterflys, and a flag fin angel, so i would say it does a great job. I have other high end skimmers on my show tank, but for a 75 gallon tank, Its perfect. and i dont think its noisy at all. i clean it about once a week. and its very simple to use.


I have one on my 46 gallon. Works great. Pulls out lots of dark crap from the tank. I just clean my once a week also. I dont think mine is very noise also. Actually, not getting any noise from it from what I recall. I get some noises (not much) more from my emperor 400 filter.


I had a Prism for about 6 months. It cracked around the screw
clamps. I have switched to an in sump Excalibur. It's a great skimmer for about 130.00.