Red Sea Protien Skimmer


Has any use the red sea skimmer it is one of the cheaper ones, just wanna know how well it works.


New Member
I'm using the Red Sea Deluxe Skimmer but I can't really answer your question as I'm soooo new at this. I just set up my tank last Fri. I bought mine from a pet store that was going out of business. They claimed that items over 100.00 were 50% off and this skimmer was originally sold for 200.00. I was sure that they marked up the price just to get the original cost. I asked them to check the price, was told it really sold for 250.00! B.S. I did pay the 100.00 anyway because she threw in a few items and the LR was a deal. I checked prices online and found the range to buy it was 100.00-130.00. Is this what you found?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ben-heart
I'm using the Red Sea Deluxe Skimmer but I can't really answer your question as I'm soooo new at this. I just set up my tank last Fri. I bought mine from a pet store that was going out of business. They claimed that items over 100.00 were 50% off and this skimmer was originally sold for 200.00. I was sure that they marked up the price just to get the original cost. I asked them to check the price, was told it really sold for 250.00! B.S. I did pay the 100.00 anyway because she threw in a few items and the LR was a deal. I checked prices online and found the range to buy it was 100.00-130.00. Is this what you found?
well it doesn't retail for $200 but you paid the typical street price.
As far as how good it is it gets mixed reviews like most $100 skimmers. One of my LFS uses the pro size on its large tanks and it seems to pull out some nasty skimate.