Red Sea Sailfin OR Orangeshoulder


Hi! which Should I pick the Red Sea Sailfin Tang or adult Orangeshoulder Tang to finish my selection naso blonde and yellow going in at the same time in a 150gl


Well,I wouldn't put all 3 in at the same time.Do you quarantine?I like the red sailfins,but whatever you do,I would put the yellow tang in last.I was told this but didn't listen and now my yellow tang is on the verge of getting flushed.It won't leave anyone alone.


Of course I will quarantine them I have a few tanks but I will put them in the 150gl tank together
I will try to get the yellow small. If you don’t like the yellow which one would you prefer (one that is less prone to disease)


The orange-shoulder definetely! I have two in two different tanks and they are great fish. They both eat like hogs and have great personalities. One is still a juvenile but the other is almost completely finished with the adult stage and he looks great. This would be a great addition to any fish tank. Good luck1