Red Sea Sailfin Tang


Have you ever had one or have one, please only respond if you are in one of these catagories....
Thinking about picking one up tommarrow and I want to hear your Good (or) Bad experiences with this fish....anyone? thanks....


I have one. They are awesome to have in the tank but they do get very agressive. Before you pick one up, I recommend you ask the lfs to feed it first to see if it will eat. If it doesn't, then don't get it.


Active Member
I love mine. Very active and is a show off. All my tangs including him will eat from my hand.


Sweet, thanks for the input, will they pick on my clowns???
this is having me lean towards yes, anyone else have one???


more importantly is the question of is that you in the pic??? haha j/k

It is a 48 or 55; don't bother saying there isn't enough room cause ALL the pool lil fish at the local nursery are held in 8" cubes....guessing that is how is it at all nurseries as 50 Gal would be quit an upgrade


Active Member
i had one that my yellow goby killed!!!! yes, its true... then i had another one started off at about 3 inches.... (i had to get rid of the yellow goby becuase he attacked this one too)
he out grew the tank (75g) in about 3 months top.... no joke, he must have been at least 7 inches... i have never seen a fish grow that fast in my life! b4 i could get rid of him he died................. he was very active and a pig when eating... i would love to get another, but that when i'll have a 200 plus gallon.............


Active Member
I have one for about 3 weeks now, very friendly fish. Doesn't miss with my ocellaris clowns at all or any other fish in my tank. And he is the biggest in there. He is very good at eating hair algea and he ate right off the bat for me. I also made sure he was eating at the lfs before I got him. I paid 25 bucks for him/her.