Red Sea Salt ( Good or bad)


I purchased this salt on SALE at *****. Of course the salesman said it was as good as Instant Ocean but you get what you pay for..... 200g for $30
Deal or Dud ????????


Active Member
Selecting and using a particular brand of saltmix is one of those "who's going to buy it and use it - then turn around and say it's a bad saltmix" ....... sorta things.
Same with most everything we BUY. We bought it - so most of the time we then turn around and say how great it is.
Doing anything else but that would open us up to look foolish to our friends and peers. Hey man - look at this crappy piece junk I just bought !!!! It only cost $300.00 and it's junk !
Ain't gunna happen.
I've bought A LOT of crappy stuff for my tanks - not ashamed of it - just sorta stinks thinking of the wasted money.
SO .............. back to the topic at hand.
I've never used Red Sea Saltmix.
Instant Ocean or Reef Crystals are it for me.
Mostly IO
Here's a good article for those of you that may not have seen it.
For those of you that have - sorry for "repeating"
Pretty decent comparison on various major saltmixes.
Now ... please excuse me while I go install my new Skilter250 :eek: and Lee's protein skimmer :pSaltmixes


Active Member
Now Now, I have on of those Lee's protine skimmers and it works wonderful on my 10 gallon. Except that sometimes it likes to float away.


I've never used the Red Sea Salt, either, but I'm always an advocate for consistency. Stick with what you know will work. Although, I probably don't have as much experience as you (being a newbie, and all) so I've still gotta go with my old stand-by, Instant Ocean.:)


Active Member
All is good Elvis..:) point on that was just not to be too quick to discount a product that you aren't really familiar with. If you have experience with a product, and find it works well for you, absolutely keep using it. But there are a lot of good products out there that other people have had good experiences with too.
I know nothing about Red Sea Salt, except what I just read. On my first tank, I bought actual Catalina ocean water, so no salt mix there. On my new tank, I used Kent, but that is the extent of my salt experience.
Broomer - Nice site! Very useful information.


red sea salt is good salt. i have used it and it is the same as insatant ocean. i to bought it on sale at *****. it is regularly $50 thats a buy for $30.


DO NOT GET THE RED SEA SALT ON SALE AT *****. i had a terrible experience with that crap. the salt does not seem to be mixed very well. some batches would require me to mix 1 cup per 2 gal of water and some batches needed 1 cup for 4 gal of water and some needed 1 cup for 1 gal of water. i also had a terrible diatom bloom in my tank when i used it. do yourself a favor and get the instant ocean instead.


thanks fishy88, I was begining to lose faith in my deal........
Still want more opinions though!


I used Instant Ocean Mix . Have never had the chance to use Red Sea. Has anyone ever heard of Deep Ocean Reef Crystals ( It is also a salt mix ) . I am setting up a 180g , and can get this 300lbs for 70.00 .
Broomer any advice please ?


i got them there when they were $24 each back in june and i used it to start my tank up and my cycle only took 4 weeks and i had NO diatom bloom at all in my tank and and just a bit of green hair
but that came in with some live rock and it has not spread at all. IMO it works fine and i have not had a problem with mixing it i do use RO/DI. give it a try if you don't like it switch back to IO :)


Active Member
If I was setting up a 180 gallon tank - I know I would be looking at ways to save money.
But choosing a "new" saltmix - one that I never had any personal experience with - and filling the 180 with it - would be a pretty frightening experience.
I'd look at other places to save money.
Saltmix and good quality RO or RO/DI water would be two places I would not skimp. No way.
I'd even go as far as saying - I would prolong the set up until I could "afford" these two items.
Instant Ocean and RO/DI water.
Then ........ I would "KNOW" what to expect - and not sit back and wonder " Gee I hope this new salt I picked is good stuff mixed with my tapwater"
What if it sucks ?
Ya know ;)


you seem to be giving alot of advice for a person who was just cycling their tank and asking what the little shrimpy things were a few weeks ago.


I use red sea salt and I haven't had a problem with it. But I haven't used instant ocean either. My tank is doing pretty well actually and I've had no problems whatsoever.



Originally posted by radioactive
Has anyone ever heard of Deep Ocean Reef Crystals ( It is also a salt mix ) . I am setting up a 180g , and can get this 300lbs for 70.00 .
Broomer any advice please ?

I use Deep Ocean Premium Reef Formula in my tanks and have never had any problems. I used Instant Ocean years ago on my first salt tank. When I started my 90g 3 years ago all they had in stock was Deep Ocean salt. I have used it ever since.


Active Member
i used to use instant ocean but when i wanted to get another bag from a wholesale fair, the kent marine guy talked me into getting the kent sea salt mix by saying how much better it is then instant ocean and costing only 10 bucks (same as instant ocean)
doesnt seem like any of you guys are using it though...


I bought a new tank and it came with Kent salt. Nothing that I can say bad about the mineral content or mixing, but the smell drove me nuts, it might just be my sniffer. I could smell it before I could see it. I drained the tank and went out and got IO. Not sure what the difference is but it's noticable to me.