Selecting and using a particular brand of saltmix is one of those "who's going to buy it and use it - then turn around and say it's a bad saltmix" ....... sorta things.
Same with most everything we BUY. We bought it - so most of the time we then turn around and say how great it is.
Doing anything else but that would open us up to look foolish to our friends and peers. Hey man - look at this crappy piece junk I just bought !!!! It only cost $300.00 and it's junk !
Ain't gunna happen.
I've bought A LOT of crappy stuff for my tanks - not ashamed of it - just sorta stinks thinking of the wasted money.
SO .............. back to the topic at hand.
I've never used Red Sea Saltmix.
Instant Ocean or Reef Crystals are it for me.
Mostly IO
Here's a good article for those of you that may not have seen it.
For those of you that have - sorry for "repeating"
Pretty decent comparison on various major saltmixes.
Now ... please excuse me while I go install my new Skilter250
and Lee's protein skimmer