Red Serpent Star losing tenticals?


Hi all,
My new Red Serpent Star seems to be losing some of its tenticals. See the picture. Is this normal? I have not seen anything picking on it. Currently I have 1 hippo tang, 1 lopezi tang, 2 perc clowns, several hermits and snails, and 1 bubble tip anemone. 125g tank and all levels are normal.


what are your water parameters.... and how did you acclimate it?????
its falling apart.. and i think itll die... acclimation shock???
did you acclimate it properly?


Originally Posted by Jesses89
what are your water parameters.... and how did you acclimate it?????
its falling apart.. and i think itll die... acclimation shock???
did you acclimate it properly?
I drip acclimated him for 4.5 hours. My current levels are:
SG 1.025
Ph 8.2
Nitrate 8-10
Nitrite 0
Amonia 0
Temp 80.8
I do not have a calcium test.
I will pick one up this weekend. Everything else in the tank is doing great.


I wouldn't give up hope on him. It looks as though you did everything right. He may have suffered from capture/transfer at the lfs or their distributor. How long have you had him?


There realy isn't much you can do at this point besides maintaining optimal levels. How many arms does he have left?


It's hard to tell because he always hides in the rocks, but it looks like 2 are still intact. So do they grow back, assuming he isn't dying? I have a coral banded shrimp that lost an arm and it grew back in about a week. He uses both of them to pull my snails off the rocks now :cool:


Active Member
It is likely he will regrow them. This star is as delicate as Linckia when it comes to acclimation. Assuming he isn't dying, yes, they will grow back.