Red Serpent Star


Active Member
Does anyone keep a red serpent star? I have one ,the coolest critter in the tank love to watch him move, looks like a ocotpus,
anyone have any info on theirs? what do you feed? how often? any growth?:) pics?

richard rendos

Active Member
I don't have a red yet...I am looking for one. I have a harlequin(striped, black&white), a brown, and a maroon. I feed them silversides about twice a week. My brown one lost a leg a while back, but has since grown it about halfway back. I love 'em and if you know where I can get a red one, let me know. This site has them once in a while but when I call, they are already sold out.


Active Member
I got the red right from, hes a beauty, I feed him silversides too, and have seen him come out and snatch a whole cube of formula 1 food too, its a shame they hide all day, mine comes out at nite for a stroll across the tank


Active Member
As a warning, this species is considered to be the most delicate brittlestar in this trade. It must be acclimated over a very long period, much like for Linckia seastars. 4+ hours is, IMO, a minimum acclimation time.
This species is considered to be very rare in the wild. Therefore, I recommend that if anyone wants to keep them, they should have a large mature tank.