red slim algae

i have tons of red slime algae in my 55gl. it has managed to kill all my snails crabs and corals. i have treated the tank with poly ox and also tried myoxin( i think thats what it is called) i have removed all power heads 6 of them and scrubed them off and cleaned the glass and hand removed the red slime off the sand but nothing seems to be helping. phosphates are not high. i just replaced the lights. any suggetions?


Well-Known Member
My understanding is that red slime and cyano bacteria both feed off of phosphates. I also understand cyano is extremly hard to get rid of. From what I hear you just have to keep cleaning and claening and cleaning.
Plant life may help to consume thephosphates.


I've had Red Slime before and it is to my understanding an infection of algea. I was told previously it was do to improper light spectrum. Once I switched to VHO bulbs it went away. If I remember correctly phosphates usually contribute to brown algea.
good luck


I had a huge red slime problem. I got rid of it by going to the lfs and buying a phosphate remover filter. it sits in your sump with a chemical in the filter, 48 hours later, no more red slime
i just switched over to vho about a week ago. is it ok to remove the rock and scrub it with a brush? i test my phosphate levela all the time and that doesn't seem to be the problem.


Active Member
the most common source of nutrients for red slime algae is overfeeding...cut back on feeding if you can
2. poor water flow/oxygenation as adressed by kip
3. Old bulbs...your bulbs have burnt out of spectrum adn are now causing nuisance algaes to grow....change your bulbs!
4. Spawn of satan.. red slime algae is the spawn of need to have your tank exorcised by an aquatic preist!
good luck