red slime/algae


back to the basics. Don't know how it started or why after all this time, but it did. I've gotten a nasty red slime/algae clumping problem. I finally made the change from FO to reef about 5 months ago, and red slime has become an issue in the past 3 weeks. Here's what the problem ISN'T: overfeeding, phosphate, nitrate, nitrite. Now, I don't think lighting is an issue either, becuase my bulbs are less then a year old. I dose kent phytoplex for everything, and have read recently that most people don't use this for corals. I used up some "extra" oceanic salt that I had and suspect that to be part of the problem. Anyone have some insight. I'm still reading up on red slime, it's new to me....


What kind of water are you using. If you are using a RO unit you may want to change your filters, or change the brand of water you are getting. To get rid of the red slime I used a turkey baster and sucked as much of it out as I could and I haven't had another outbreak. Hope this helps


ro/di water. six stage filter. This isn't the problem, and I'm not running the lights too long. The only thing I can think of is I messed up the circulation in the tank when I moved some things around. I'm going to have to add some powerheads to jump in the dead spots....


Three things. Your tank is going through a cycle. Kent products contain too many by-products. Try to use B-Ionic. Kent screwed up my tank so I used Chemi-Clean to clear up the algae. Get that flow up higher. Most algae hates flow!


Kent products could contribute to algae?!!!!!!! Have had red slime repeatedly. Just can't seem to get it completely cleared. Used red slime remover over and over, increased flow, increased water changes. Could Kent really be the problem? What do you suggest I do?