Red Slime Algae


I need some advise on how to get rid of this red slime algae that is growing on my sand bed. All of my water test are perfect. Does anyone have any advise?:rolleyes:


I have battled the stuff as a result of my reliance on tap water. I used a chemical to kill the stuff and it worked well, but it always comes back a few months later. It could be from old bulbs if everything tests well. Older bulbs can have their specs. fall off and it will show up. Anyway--I use chemicals and they have been safe and effective.


I've been doing water changes every two weeks to no avail. In addition to the water changes I also syhpone it off the sand bed. It just comes back in a day or two.
What chemical did you use to get rid of your case of red slime?
could be unsuficiant water flow also. I think just about everybody has battled this at one time or anouther. After a while mine just went away . I think tank maturity has a lot to do with it also.


Red slime can be caused by many different factors.
1) Make sure there is enough water movement to prevent waste from sitting still
2) Do not overfeed
3) Have a sufficient clean-up crew
4) Use RO-DI water
5) Do frequent water changes (I say at least once a month)
6) Replace old light bulbs
I can't think of anything else. I fought redslime in my 180g reef when I had it and it took me about a week for it to go away. I used a white powdery medicine (forgot what it's called), did water changes, and reduced my feeding to once every other day. I also found it better when you have something stirring up the sand like a goby or starfish.

murray bmf

I used this stuff called CHEMI-CLEAN, made by boyd industries. My LFS gave it to me. It cleaned up my red slime in one night. It was really easy to use and nothing in my tank, other than the red slime, seemed affected by it.


At like the 6-7 month period I got some.
I tried to treat it but the only thing that really worked was a total black out for 2-3 days. I covered it with a sheet and turned the lights out and prayed. All my coral did fine. LPS, SPS, and softies.
I used the chemical agents after this for a couple of times and they kicked what was left over.
The red slime came from adding some LR but I did cure it for 3 weeks so I think it happened from a slow release of nutrients. Which is the only reason I can think of why my many water changes didn't help.
To start with sypon and blow off as much as you can, reduce lighing by a few hours, and do a couple of 25% water changes a couple of days apart.
Good luck


haha do I feel what you are feeling! Whatever slime problem you have mine is ten times worse. I just starting using phospate-silicate sponge to attempt at cutting off any supplies to the slime, im going to start doing frequent water changes, and im going to remove it all and pray it never returns.


Active Member
Yep, thats what they're talking about.
Red slime remover also works well.
I used it not too long ago in my tank and it got rid of everything. However, it is starting to return. I have narrowed the source of the problem to higher than normal phosphates. If you jack up your skimmer, that might help considering it removes phosphate. But, like folks have said, it can be from numerous sources. It is really a pain. Trust me. And good luck. :cool:


ive heard of alot of different products that can kill it, but the one product that everyone keeps mentioning that works very well is chemi-cleen. I have the slime roblem and i just ordered it online, so lets pray i can x out that annoying slime.