Red Slime and Boyd Chemiclean ????


A friend of mine gave me this Boyd Chemiclean which is suppose to take care of the red cyano bacteria. I have been battleing the red slime for a while and I try to scrap it and scoop it out if the tank but it keeps coming back. I am not sure of the exact cause. I have been using wally mart distilled water, my phosphate it the only level that is off (usually .01 to .015 ppm). My 96w Actinin PC's are on for about 10 hours a day and my 250w 10k MH are on about 8 hours. I just bought a RO/DI unit to prepare my own water so hopefully this will take care of the phos level problem. If any one has any other likely contributing factors please HELP!!
The Chemiclean does state that it is safe to use with a reef tank, but I am wondering about a few other things.
For those who may have use it or know anything about it:
1. How quick acting is it? few hours or days?
2. How soon after adding it do i do the 20% water change?
3. Has anyone has any negative side effects from this product?
Any input would be a GREAT help!!!


I've used it and it did work for a while to slow the regrowth but it never went away completely until I stopped using walmart water and flake food. I did the water change at different times, sometimes 48 hrs and other times I used it I waited 4 days. It never made the stuff go away completely. I still see it trying to start up every now and then and I just try and suck it up w/ a turkey baster. So far so good. I think your changing your water source will probably do the trick.


Active Member
from what i have read and heard, using chemicals to rid red slime aglae isn't the best way to go. there are very many factors that cause this outbreak. over feeding, too much lighting, high phosphates, high nitrates, low water current... just to name a few. search "red slime algae" and look for a thread by JustinX He has great info on this issue.


Here's my advice for getting rid of Cyano:
-Tape a toothbrush to end of your siphon hose and start scrubbing away. You have manually do the dirty work first, then make other changes to prevent the cyano from coming back
-Swith to RO/DI, in this case you have and you will see the benefits soon enough
-Lower your light schedule about 2 hours and so forth
-Avoid using chemical products if possible, usually these products are only a temporary solution anyways
-Feed every other day. Your fish will not starve. Watch your portions when you do feed.
-Get a bigger cleaning crew to help eat excess food.
-Make sure the water flow in your tank is good. Cyano likes dead spots.
Hope this helps.


If you are running a protein skimmer you can try using the Kent Poly-Ox additive; it isn't specifically for red slime algae but does help remove much of its food source thereby slowing its growth.
The reason you need a skimmer is that the Poly-Ox will break up detritus/food into smaller particles so your skimmer can pick it up easier. It's good for all-around general tank maintainence, in my opinion.


This old guy at this shop here in portland gave me a pill that I had to break up into my tank. It got rid of it in a week. I think it was an antibiotic or sumthin... but it didn't hurt the inverts or corals.... I could call and ask him exactaly what it was if you want.... Let me know.


I was recently told that the Astraea Conehead Snail goes after the red slime. that may help keep it down. Also, don't over feed. Algae LOVE extra food. Try the snails, it may help.


I had it bad, tried every type of animal there was none of them would eat it, I tried different light periods, water changes, limiting feeds, my lfs recommended this stuff they sold i tried it and it was gone in a few days and never has been back when I get home ill post the name of the stuff. it worked great i was very hesident in adding any kind of chemical but the tank had no side effects from it everything is great healthy and growing. :) its a bacteria the stuff i used must have been some kind of antibiotic


Originally Posted by Schadiest1
from what i have read and heard, using chemicals to rid red slime aglae isn't the best way to go. there are very many factors that cause this outbreak. over feeding, too much lighting, high phosphates, high nitrates, low water current... just to name a few. search "red slime algae" and look for a thread by JustinX He has great info on this issue.
BINGO- I had redslime bad and the Chemiclean aworked but came right back. The thing that worked for me is testing what the water had in it(all fine), less over feedings per say and the thing that worked the best was adding a wavemaker and another Powerhead. A total of 4 works great for me.