Well, I have a pretty well established 1 year-old tank (38gal) with tons of corals, 3 small fish and a cleaner shrimp. CUC is very adequate and has plenty of flow. WE ARE NOT OVERFEEDING. However, just in the last month I am getting this moldy-looking buildup on my sand (friend says its "red-slime"). It actually will make a little colony and spread and if I let it go for awhile will even turn black. It has gotten to the point that every two weeks when I water change I just suck it up with as little sand as possible. I made a big cave on right side, and I think it created a slight dead spot where the waste may gather, but flow is plenty and I have to have some caves. We tried a sand-sifter goby and WILL NOT TRY AGAIN. The first one covered everything (LR and corals) with sand, and we took back for another type who promptly went carpet surfing ($25.) I tryed adding 15 more hermits and 10 nassarius snails...nothing. So, a friend of mine said to buy some maracyn @ the LFS and it will knock it out. I just wonder is there a natural way to eliminate this stuff? I don't use anti-biotics on myself and I think killing of all the good and bad bacteria in my tank is a bad thing. We are first timers and for a year our tank has been really impressive, this is the first hurdle that I just haven't been able to fix. Please someone tell me there is something I can do.
THE SLIME!!! (small colony)
The tank
THE SLIME!!! (small colony)
The tank