Red Slime Problem!!!!


I have a problem with red slime. I am on my second dosing of Chemi-clean. I scraped the sides of the tank last night and had to do it again today. I have to do my water change at 6pm. Is there any tricks anyone knows of to help get rid of this disgusting stuff.


Staff member
In addition to the chemiclean, also reduce lights for a week to just a few hrs around feeding time for fish.
There is an informative topic in the Archives on this as well, titled Red Slime...

nano reefer

Active Member
Originally Posted by rooroo
Then my next ? is, how much light a day do my anemones need to stay alive?
they can live a little bit with the light time reduced. not sure on hours though. do water changes! there are loads of stickies in the Archives that you should check out before posting.
i have also learned that i have received the red slime and diatoms from overfeeding.. i was notorious for overfeeding my fish.. now i just feed them a few pellets but i do it multiple times daily.. along with when i feed them there Mysis.. i would suggest just feeding a little less. i never let anything drop to the bottom.. and now finally i am getting the beautiful green and purple algae!! YAY!!!


The probloem is I don't overfeed. They get only what they can eat in about 2 minutes and there is never any left over. This is the only tank I have had this problem in, my other tank is beautiful. This tank is about 1yr old, my other at least 3 yrs old. I can not seem to figure out what I am doing wrong with this newest tank. I now have cut down my light time, done water changes and have even treated it a couple of times. Still have slime...


Thought I would attach some pics. so you can see what it looks like 1 day after Chemi-clean and water change, so actually it is 3 days after adding chem.



what are you using for water to do water changes I have the same issue and found it to be my water I got a pho-zorb bag and put it in my filter to let it remove some of the phosphates it seems to be working
wow.. youve had it for a year and your still getting the red slime.. i had it abut a month ago.. but with a skimmer added and less feeding took care of it.. do you have a skimmer?


Actually I put a skimmer on two nights ago. IT pulled out alot of water but then it slowed way down. So far it hasn't helped but maybe it will soon. I am looking for all other things I could be doing wrong.


What kind of sand is that?
What is your flow/turnover rrate ?
How old are the bulbs?
These are also some things that can contribute.


The sand is sugar sized live sand. I am not sure what my flow rate is but my skimmer powerhead is a 250 gph and I have a 45 gal tank, the filter is a Bio-Wheel rated for a 50 gal tank. The bulbs are about 2 months old. Just changed the lighting system.