Red Slime Remover


We had Cyano Bacteria and it was getting worse everyday! We could not find the cause and we are in the process of moving from a 55gallon to a 155 Bowfront. We did not want to take the bacteria with us so one of our LFS sold us Red Slime remover and said it would not hurt the fish or corals.
About 2 weeks later our fish have ICK and now it looks like our Clowns are getting Clown fish diease. Our small clown has his mouth open constantly and he looks like he has a red sore on the inside of his mouth
What should we do? We don't want to lose any of our fish and like I said we are in the process of upgrading


Also, now when we turn on our Skimmer it floods the tank with microbubbles causing the corals to send out slime :help: :help: :mad: Therefore we have not had our Skimmer on for 2 weeks now! We have done 30% waterchange and we are also running charcoal in the filter, however nothing seems to be working!

boat racer

I used it and it worked great.The few spots of red slime I had were gone over night.No problems with fish,corals or inverts.My peice of crap(Sea Clone) protein skimmer always has micro bubbles so I didnt notice anything there.I think its coincidence that your having a problem after useing RSR.Maybe you over dosed.Sorry to hear you had problems.


Actually we never used as much as the directions called for! We added it one nite and it took most of the red slime , we waited 48 hours and treated again. No red slime left but now these other problems!


Active Member
Contributors to a cyano outbreak:
1, Old lighting
2. Poor water movement
3. Poor water quality
4. Nutrient source (many possibilities including tap water, overfeeding, etc)
The lfs in my opinion gave you poor advice. Cyano is a sign that there is a problem All the addidtive will do is kill it off briefly. Possible side effects from using the additives are poor water quality, major die-off of cyano which can pollute your water, cause damage to your bio-filter, etc. You need to identify the source and remove/improve on the contributors. This is the best way to defeat the cyano slime.
We as hobbyists often forget there is a delicate balance of good vs evil in our closed marine system. The snake oils we add can often tip the balance of the scale towards the evil with the result being what you are experiencing.
You should move the animals to a QT and treat with hyposalinity for the ich.
Best of luck


Active Member
I forgot to mention a large massive die-off of cyano can cause the release of toxins in the system...I guess the lfs forgot to mention this possibility to you.
Rule of thumb....whenever you hear reef safe, harmless, etc you best be careful . Not always but many times these products can cause systems to crash. Some folks can use them with no reported problems while others have nightmares. Each closed marine system is unique. What caused a problem in one system may not cause a problem in another system and vice versa.

boat racer

I think you may have over dosed with the second helping 48 hrs later.I know they say to do a second treatment 48 hrs later on the pack but it seems like to much to me.When I saw a tiny amount of red slime in three different places I brushed those spots with a tooth brush and then treated my tank.I think thats why mine was fine.What about the PH?Did it drop?


No. We checked the PH and it is 8.2.
Nitrates 0
Nitrites 0
Amonia 0
We feed twce a day. A combo of mysis shrimp, bloodworms, brine shrimp, frozen algea, crushed garlic and vitamin-huffa.
We have Duel Satellites 265 watts on a 55 gallon
We have a Corallife Super Skimmer 125, plus 2 powerheads and a Rena XP3, therefore we should have adequate water flow
We do use tap water :notsure:
Maybe the problem
We are getting ready to set up our 155 bowfront and don't know what to do



Active Member
The tap water could be the food source for the cyano.. Tap water often contains nutrients and the conditioners will not remove them.
I would suggest investing in an RO/DI unit.
Do you have any plans for the 55? You could remove any live rock and inverts and treat the fish with hyposalinity in the 55.
Also, if you are including brine shrimp as a main part of the diet please know it has the same nutritional value as a bag of potato chips. Okay as a treat . THe problem with brine is that they lose most of the desired nutritional value within the fist few hours of their life.
best of luck


How in the world do you catch the buggers!!!
I have been trying to catch them with 2 nets and can't come close. As soon as they spot the nets they go into hiding! My LFS said that I could bring them into them and they would treat the Clowns for us but we can't catch them. Any suggestions?


I used Red Slime remover, and my system crashed hard. All of my fish died except my HIPPO tang and one clown fish. I will never use it again.
Originally Posted by kaseykagan
Actually we never used as much as the directions called for! We added it one nite and it took most of the red slime , we waited 48 hours and treated again. No red slime left but now these other problems!
after the 48 hours did you do a water change? your supposed to do a water change before you dose again.