Red Slime



What causes red slime? I've had my tank up for about 18 months and have never had this. This weekend I noticed some toward the top of one of my powerheads. I know this isn't good for the tank but exactly what will it do to coral and fish if not treated?


It can smother your corals if it takes over. Usually caused by silicates in the water. Are you using RO/DI water for water changes? Have you changed your filters lately? Also, you might want to increase your flow.


Active Member
High nutrients cause this algea and as stated above can take over the tank. If you are feeding brine stop, if you are feeding alot, stop. Over feeding with flakes and or brine it will cause this. Vacumn out what you can, cut back on feeding. There is a product out there to get rid of it; but chemicals are absolutely the last resort.


Active Member
The other thing that causes it when a tank is mature is old lighting. I am experiencing the same thing in a few spots and my lights are 12 months old. Time to change the bulbs. I am running power compacts and the life expectency is about 11 months. I waited a little too late. You may be experiencing the same thing.