Reduce your lighting time in half and feed the tank half as much, it will go away in a few days then you can resume your lighting to normal. Test your nitrate and phosphates, you want them to be as low as possible(zero being the goal).
Red slime algea is usaly cause though to much phospate in the tank and that is cause by either to much lighting or to much feeding. One way to get rid of slime algea when i have had the problem is to get a phospate sponge I find Kent Marine is very good for this, place it in the sump of your tank just under where the water runs out of your tank and into the sump and do weeky water changes aswell and shyphin the alge out or scrape it of the rocks. But most of all dont use water straight from the tap cause that is on of the biggest problems that will bring phospate into your tank which in the end turns into hair and red slime algea... Goodluck hope all goes well.......